Reclaim Your Strength

The 4E System of Weight Loss is a lifeline for men who are ready to take back control of their health, fitness and physique, making the most out of the life they spent years building.

Did you wake up one day and wonder how you gained so much weight and lost your strength and fitness? Do you keep pretending that’s okay because you built a solid financial foundation for your family and that's more important?

Through the 4E System, you’ll find out that it’s not too late. You can still reclaim your health and experience success in every area of your life. Begin your journey today!

"It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer," - Psalm18:32-33

If our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, are we keeping it habitable for our Lord?

Reclaim Your Strength

The 4E System of Weight Loss is a lifeline for successful men who are wrestling with physical challenges and emotional complexities linked to their health and emotional baggage.

Do you feel like you’re drowning in constant health concerns and emotional turmoil arising from physical changes? Through the 4E System, witness yourself evolving, gaining increased energy, honing relationships, perfecting focus, and striding into a promising future with confidence and liberty. Begin your journey today!

About Me

In the middle of a successful executive career, Jason Schembri found himself at the crossroads of life, grappling with escalating health issues and a deteriorating lifestyle, which caused emotional turmoil and distress in all aspects of his life. Tipping the scales at 320 pounds by the age of forty, Jason battled with his health which was in urgent need of attention. After many years of trial and error, involving numerous diets and fitness regimes, he developed a program for men like himself, former athletes and arm-chair warriors who needed a new solution.

The 4E System of Weight Loss, is the result of over a decade of research, hard work and lived experience, an innovative approach that encourages not only weight loss, but also the elimination of root causes.

Jason is fit and healthy at 200 pounds, and in peak physical condition. He is dedicated to helping men like himself to transform their health, and ultimately, their lives.
Jason is the best-selling author of Keeping It Off.

ho Is It For?

  • Men over 50 who are grappling with health-related frustrations and issues related to weight and emotional wellness.

  • Those who want to remove all barriers between themselves and God, reconnecting with the promises of His plan for your life.

  • Those looking for sustainable weight loss and an improved physique.

  • Men who have decided that they are not going to give up on reclaiming their health.

ho Is It Not For?

  • Individuals who are not willing to invest in their health and success.

  • Those who are not interested in making substantial changes to their physical health or emotional well-being.

  • Men who aren't willing to commit to a long-term process and expect immediate or overnight transformations.

  • Those who are not willing to come to the Lord through the promises of the sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross for you.

The 4E System of Weight Loss

Evaluate – Week 1

Envision – Week 2

Execute – Week 3-7

Evolve – Week 8

MODULE ONE - Evaluate

Your Journey So Far


  • Assess your past successes and failures to develop a tailored success plan.

  • Establish a solid baseline to measure your progress along the way.

  • Discover the tools you need to optimize your results.


"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light" - Luke8:17

Have you lost weight before, then gained it all back again, and again? Developing a solid understanding of how you got there is essential to executing a plan designed to achieve your long-term weight loss. With the right tools in your hands, your success will soon be realized.

MODULE TWO - Envision

Set Your Goals and Priorities


  • Rediscover your big dreams so you will have a clear focus on your God given purpose.

  • Cascade your goals to write a simple daily task list that drives your success.

  • Master your motivation and discipline to defeat procrastination.


"The are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the Lord's counsel - that will stand." Proverbs19:21

Do you feel like you’ve lost your sense of purpose and that you’re running out of time? Reconnecting to your dreams and creating a clear plan to achieve them will bring you back into alignment with God’s purpose for your life. It’s not too late!


Launch Your New Way of Eating


  • Execute a tailored diet plan to start losing weight immediately.

  • Discover the secret processes that will accelerate your weight loss.

  • Incorporate powerful tools into your diet that make your long-term weight loss simple.

  • Demystify God’s words on eating habits to support a healthy and faithful diet.


"For the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags." - Proverbs 23:21

How many times have you struggled through a diet that just didn’t work for you, and worse, you gained back all the weight? You need a plan that’s specific to YOU and provides a long-term results so you never go back!


Embrace Your New Active Lifestyle


  • implement a personalized exercise regime that will kick-start your strength and fitness.

  • Discover the simple tools and protocols that will give you noticeable muscle gains every day.

  • Incorporate a balanced approach to exercise and rest that aligns with your desired pace.


"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." - 1Corinthians6:19-20

Do you feel like the strength and physique of your youth is long gone and every time you try to reverse the clock your body lets you down? With a plan that caters to your preferences and pace, you’ll find out it’s possible to regain physical health and enjoy an active life with a physique you’ll be proud of, and worthy of the Holy Spirit.


Find Freedom from Root Causes


  • Identify where you got stuck so you can follow a simple plan to break free.

  • Recognize the meaning of your negative recurring dreams and understand how to resolve them.

  • Acknowledge who influences your decision making and create a path to appoint a new inner circle.


"Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage." - Galatians5:1

Where did it all go wrong? Highlight the origin of your pain points and create a plan to eliminate them forever through a thoughtful process and God's wisdom and grace. Analysis of the your relationships, the dreams you have, and key life events, hold the answers to the emotional and physical weight you carry.

MODULE SIX - Execute

Eliminate Your Barriers


  • Discover specialized Holiday Health Hacks to prevent derailers and interruptions to your routine.

  • Harness the power of 5-Minute Meetings to hold yourself accountable.

  • Discover tools to help get "back on the wagon" when you fall off.


"But your iniquities have separated you from your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear." - Isaiah59:2

How often do barriers get in the way of your goals? Follow a structured approach to facing obstacles and building accountability, so you will be fully prepared to push through anything in your way.


Boost Your Confidence


  • Engage in daily conversation with yourself and God so that you can focus on His purpose for you every day.

  • Master the art of giving and receiving forgiveness so you can live without the burden of guilt.

  • Discover how taking responsibility for everything gives you maximum control and freedom


"In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, And His children will have a place of refuge." - Proverbs14:26

Is your confidence being drained every day because of the burden of guilt and constant worry? I will show you how to harness the power of your voice, shed the guilt you’ve carried for years, and find a peaceful, powerful confidence.


Enact Your Long-Term Success Plan


  • Review your benchmarks and recognize your great achievements so you will pursue more of the same.

  • Evaluate the areas that need more focus so you can apply the same tools and increase your success.

  • Ingrain your learning into your daily routines to prevent back-sliding.


"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah29:11

Have you ever experienced the euphoria of a great weight loss success, only to go back to your old ways and regain it all? By incorporating all the tools you now have into a habit-based system moving forward, you can ensure enduring results. More success awaits you!


Quest for Freedom


  • Feel liberated from distress and frustration.

  • Revel in the joy of achieving emotional freedom.


This stop in your journey equips you to free yourself from emotional distress and frustrations. Experience a new kind of liberation that comes from within.


Embracing the 4E System


  • Get introduced to the 4E System of Weight Loss.

  • Recognize the benefits of this structured, holistic approach to weight loss.


Finally, it's time to dive headfirst into the 4E System of Weight Loss. Not just a name, but an effective, structured approach to weight loss that is custom-built for your success.

Still Have Questions? Schedule a Call Now!

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